Cell Tower Advisors
Important Tips for Cell Phone Tower Leasing

Negotiating a cell phone tower lease can be a daunting task for many who do not know how it goes. It is a unique lease compared to a commercial or a residential real estate lease. This is because the cell phone company usually want the best from the agreement. Many people who own property would love to get that opportunity of making money. Therefore, the cell phone company will normally have many demands in their favor since they can get another willing person. In the circumstances, it is vital for landowners to be properly informed. This article highlights essential tips to help you negotiate in your favor. Click this site to see more information.
It is always crucial that you empower yourself with adequate information about cell phone tower leasing. As they say, knowledge is power. If you are in such a position, look for extensive information about the leasing. If you are aware of your rights and when you need to step down, the cell phone company representatives will not be able to take advantage of you. Therefore, look for a professional consultant to advise you on what you need to do as pertains to the leasing.
Consequently, you need to hammer out business terms first. This is because they usually come first before the lease revisions. This ensures that the parties can agree on business terms and then embark on making changes to the particular lease. The cell phone company representative may want to start changing the lease provisions if the property owner is not well informed. This is wrong because it doesn't have the best interest of the property owner. Thus, when one is knowledgeable, they will not be shortchanged. Witness the best info that you will get about cell phone tower leasing at https://www.towerleases.com/faq/.
In addition to this, as a property owner, you should not agree to rent being calculated per square foot. Though the cell phone company may want to do this, it is not good for you. This is because the cell site and cell tower footprints usually are small. If you can avoid this, you will get much more money compared to the rent calculated per square foot. Therefore, always consult a professional to ensure that you are paid the highest rent as possible.
It is also worthwhile to note that everything about leasing your property for cell phone tower is negotiable. Do not assume that it is not. This includes the term, lease area, access rights, rent escalator, rent among others. Thus, it is wise to read all the paperwork carefully and understand everything before you sign them. Click the link for more info about cell tower https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/29/churches-and-cell-towers_n_2211818.html.